pull down to refresh

I'll try to look into this today if someone 😉 doesn't beat me to it.
Oh thanks. Sorry I just noticed it today here. It is worse if there are many comments on the page.
Don't apologize. I haven't experienced the problem for some reason so it's good to know several people are having the issue
yeah afaict every change is causing a rerender ... "hook 10 & 11 changed" ... I wish the profiler could name the dang things
Always parse hook names from source
I'm not sure I've pinpointed the exact issue, but making more use of useCallback and useMemo in the MarkdownInput and UserSuggest components seems to be helping locally. At least, I see fewer longer commits in the profiler
I suspect if might be enough to not setUserDropdownStyle and setMentionIndices on every change. These object literals each have a new reference and trigger a rerender even if the object is functionally identical.
I assume you have this change worked up locally? I won't work up a PR. LMK otherwise.
Yes, I think so, too. Those could only be set when there is a @ mention query found, not just every change. We only need them to be accurate in that case.
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