How can we attract many more Bitcoin adopters and expand the bitcoiner community?
With fiat currency, you are one step away from having assets frozen. It only takes a misinformed court decision, a new law, or a decree, and you'll soon be in trouble. We know Bitcoin is a powerful weapon against state control and totalitarianism... however, besides knowing how to buy BTC correctly, it's essential to facilitate contact with this universe.
Most people, even libertarians, trade Bitcoin on exchanges that provide their personal data to Leviathan. Why? Because it’s “easier”. However, this is definitely not the smartest way. Nevertheless the reality is that there is no solution that facilitates the experience of Bitcoin enthusiasts, especially for newcomers. Actually for a short time.
With time and practice, one can learn to negociate Bitcoin without intermediaries, that is, without centralization through P2P. Those exchanges, like "Bibi," which share your personal details are no longer an option. However, there remains a difficulty barrier that newcomer facing to leverage this decentralized tool and feel confident embarking on this Bitcoin journey.
Sure, Bisq is pretty nice, it’s robust and complete. But it's not truly "easier." What if there could be a P2P exchange with everything you need that's friendlier and easier? After all, why does it have to be, or seem, so hard?
The fiat mindset is hard to break.
Almost everyone alive today was born into a fiat world. That's all they know and think they understand. This is difficult to break out of. People don't do it by accident. And those that do break out had to put in the work.
It wasn't so long ago that I remember what it was like to think about the world through the lens of dollars. Now I find it pretty strange that other people still think that way. But I understand where they're coming from. We've all been there.
That's why I think the key thing to understanding why Bitcoin is really "What is money?". I truly believe you can orange pill someone without even mentioning Bitcoin. Once people understand the problems created by fiat the solution becomes much more obvious.
yeah, i stopped mentioning bitcoin in initial conversations, uninformed minds will instantly associate it with speculation and risk.. talking about gold has been useful, why it 'emerged' in history as a standard with no central 'decision', we don't learn this in school, helping others undestand this is a huge step before bitcoin.
because trade offs exist
Because people are retarded and always go back to fiat.
Earn bitcoin, spend in bitcoun, hold bitcoin. Never go back to fiat. Only like that we can destroy the fiat world and once the fiat is dead, all the other evil things will be gone.
Fiat delenda est.
That was an entertaining read that I haven't seen before, thanks.
“paradigm blindness”
Many years ago, when my boss and I were lamenting about the difficulty of convincing his IT department that, no, the best device you can connect to a PC is not a mainframe, we started referring to the "big-iron" (aka IBM) guys as "paradigm parasites".
Maybe what we have now is a "fiat fetish"?
Fiat rails @Ayla, fiat rails.
On the flipside, what you're talking about are Bitcoin rails and as you can see they're easy in and of itself.
Just can't mix both, so the people has to choose. Wisely. Create your circular economy locally, or move to ES. That's it!
Because all fiat transfers except cash can be fraudulently charged back and meeting in person for cash transfers is too risky. Ironically CBDCs might fix that.
Where I live, banks will close your account if you trade p2p.
If money is hard to acquire people value it, they don't waste time trying figure out ways to dilute it by creating more, they look at ways of generating value to acquire it, you pick the trade off you are most comfortable with when acquiring bitcoin, p2p with a premium, KYC with doxing, mining with risk, working and getting paid in bitcoin
This is the price to pay for having money. It is not so difficult but this friction is like a filter, not everybody will have bitcoin at the same price. They always get it at the price they deserve.
Thanks for raising this, I face similar dilemma too. But I guess it's because these are still early days.
Most people will only respond to pain.
The pain is increasing, adoption is increasing.
In the mean time we have to stay focused and not give up even though it feels like shoveling shit against the ocean.