Well, the MLB championship series are set with a couple of surprise teams in the mix. The divisional round pick em contest was a mess. Our champion @SatoshiNakanodo won with 2/4 correct and 4 runs off the tiebreaker which actually finished in a dead heat with my 5 year old. So I gave them both 1k sats. Why not? I didn't plan for a tiebreaker of a tiebreaker scenario and I didn't plan for my kid randomly picking teams to be a winning strategy. I am confident we will do better next round. I will roll out MLB championship series pick em over the weekend as today is Friday so it's NFL pick em day. That post coming shortly.
In response to a nice comment I got from @Undisciplined I just wanted to remind you guys that if you ever want to post using Stacker Sports or Stacker Sports Meta Takeover or even for fun Stacker Sports- Meta Takeover Takeover, who doesn't love a coup of a coup, please feel free. Besides trolling k00b the whole idea was to mimic a sports sub until we get a sports sub, so if you guys want to post have at it.
That's all I got for now.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
A coup of the k00b you could say? Or a k00b of a k00b?
Did you see the stacker news live when the survivor pool was one of the top posts for the week? It was pretty hilarious. "what is this"? "is this gambling"? "is the fbi going to break through the door"? and k00b responds "I think it's some dad game" haha.
Yeah that was hilarious!!! Is it gambling? In the loosest term maybe, is the FBI coming to get us over $200?? Nah. Besides I dunno about the rest of us but I gifted you 10k+10k, to do with as you saw fit, and you saw fit to gift it to the person who could guess the most correct teams one week at a time ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I wouldn't call that gambling, I'd call it.... Gifts. ;)
It was k00b's obliviousness and indifference that got me. "I think it's some dad game". haha.
Taking over the Stacker Sports Meta Takeover? .. my brain hurts….
Psychological warfare. That's the point.
My head hurts. So it must be working. Lol
Ugh. I forgot to mention what an uninspiring victory by the Chiefs last night. Taylor Swift should be ashamed to be consorting with such an uninspiring bunch. 42-10 now that's how you beat a team in a primetime game.
The chiefs don't even look good this season, that's the most irritating thing. They're completely beatable and look no better than a mid tier team. They should have shut out the broncos and put up a 50 burger on them, not 8-19. I missed the game because time zones... And I didn't care enough to watch the highlights but I'm sure the zebras were also repping the red, white and gold.
Eagles haven't been great either but I expect both teams to round into form for when it matters.
Actually shockingly the Chiefs got called for a lot more penalties than the Broncos. I guess NFL figured they could do some levelling out this game so the overall stats don't look too bad because they were going to win even if they called 20 penalties on them. But it was nice to see. Mahomes was pretty whiny about the calls considering his Linemen hold on almost every pass play and rarely get called.
It certainly looked like the officials were trying to create a tight game down the stretch.
As to the lackluster performance, I sort of called that (in the sense that I mentioned it and then predicted the opposite). The Chiefs routinely play down to their competition under the assumption that they can turn it on at the end if they need to. I've heard that they have a terrible record against the spread throughout the Mahomes tenure.