Did you see the stacker news live when the survivor pool was one of the top posts for the week? It was pretty hilarious. "what is this"? "is this gambling"? "is the fbi going to break through the door"? and k00b responds "I think it's some dad game" haha.
Yeah that was hilarious!!! Is it gambling? In the loosest term maybe, is the FBI coming to get us over $200?? Nah. Besides I dunno about the rest of us but I gifted you 10k+10k, to do with as you saw fit, and you saw fit to gift it to the person who could guess the most correct teams one week at a time ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I wouldn't call that gambling, I'd call it.... Gifts. ;)
It was k00b's obliviousness and indifference that got me. "I think it's some dad game". haha.