If you're looking for suggestions - I would really love having some kind of advanced search. It would allow for searches like: searching for a phrase (seems impossible now, I tried by using quotes, which often works) search for post/comment in a specific time period searching for x without y (like the "none of these words" search on google advanced search) searching without a search phrase - i.e., just show the results, ORDERED the way I want (for instance, sats) for the time period.
I've had a hard time finding posts that I know were there, I just couldn't figure out the right things to search for.
Those are excellent suggestions!
Would you mind giving specific examples of each of these instances? It'd help A TON. (Plus some of them you might be able to do already but we just haven't made it clear.)
One more search-related change that might be a good idea to consider.
I definitely would prefer a search with a default order of RECENT and not ZAPRANK. Probably because I'm usually searching for a recent post, that didn't necessarily get a lot of zaps.
A couple times I was confused to not see a post that I know I had seen recently. And it was because it was ordered by zaprank, which might be digging way back in history to find something that happens to have the same keyword I was looking for.
Just a thought. Thanks for considering these!
Sure. I can't aways remember the specific thing I was trying to search for but something along these lines
  • phrase search - for instance, say I was searching for an article that had the exact phrase "seedsigner vs ledger". I know I saw it. Can't find it now, can't search for this as an exact phrase.
  • date range search - I posted something with a different login. I know WHEN I posted it, but don't have my login anymore. If I could search on a date range, I could find it, just by looking at everything in that date range
  • negative search - I wanted to do a search for.... okay I can't remember exactly what I was searching for, but I was trying to search for a word that has 2 meanings, I only wanted one of those meanings, so I would have liked to "subtract" out the unwanted meaning**. It's the "none of these words" search on google (https://www.google.com/advanced_search)
  • ordering only, no search - recently I wanted to just poke around and see what, over time, had the highest ranking (sats, zapranks, etc). Not really a search, but just an ordering of EVERYTHING, by sats. I ended up just throwing the word "bitcoin" in the search box, just to be able to run the search. But I really wanted to see everything in the order I wanted, not just bitcoin-related posts.
Another thought - what about searching in the title only, not the whole content?
In terms of priorities - for me the priority would be a phrase search. I use that all the time in other search engines, it's really handy.