ah i am skeptical about that too since it would be single point of failure. I like to keep my identities separate generally
So you would prefer 2FA for login with lightning or nostr?
That is one of the way to secure our accounts. Just installing Alby and seamlessly switching b/w apps is great but only until it's not breached and used for low risk application like SN. Once, nostr reaches to a point like emails (used to verify your identity), I feel still keeping separate passwords is the way to go. 2FA TOTP is an interesting option as a secondary layer too. I might be totally wrong.
I would totally want 2FA if I had stacked sats like k00b or DarthCoin or yourself :P
You can easy and cheaply create as much Nostr identities as you want.
Lightning login isn't identifiable across sites.
Just don't lose your wallet keys (wouldn't ever use it with a custodial wallet - this is why the mobile lightning nodes like Blixt, Breez, Phoenix are so cool).
Not your keys, not your identity.