pull down to refresh

no. you can buy premium emojis with lightning without an account. to save free ones for everyone to see, yes.
I find the signal-to-noise to be a bit of buzz-kill on the UX, and then the tactics used are unnecessarily heavy-handed to the point of really killing any good vibes. The number of clicks and mental gymnastics it takes to go-around the "Login or Sign Up" or "Create an Account", and the choice of colors/boldedness...it's like somebody is trying to overzelously apply every trick in the book to get users to "convert" to a Mash user by sneaking in click-baity-tactics. It's aggressive, and the UX suffers materially because of it.
Take a look at this photo I marked up, which is taken after clicking the "Heart" icon: https://imgur.com/a/4qQm6ae
  • RED πŸ”΄ ink is 100% noise, completely useless and confusing.
    • Are you supporting or donating? These are synonyms. Pick one.
    • There is no reason to list 2 of N popular wallets in light gray.
    • Why is there clip art?
  • GREEN 🟒 ink is extra confusing. It changes the support & donate, into a "buy-now" like prompt. What am I getting freebies every month for? For tftc.io or something to do with Mash? Is it a re-occurring bill? I was trying to just send sats to support tftc.io, what access are they trying to sell me? Are they tracking my identity somehow? The "React & donate with a single click", probably should have been scratched out too, but maybe it belongs, if you could find a way to reframe it.
  • BLUE πŸ”΅ ink, should be either the same color + boldedness, or combined into one button, that says "Pay" or "Pay with Lightning". I almost didn't see the white button. When you click that single button, generate the invoice, and have a link to sign-in to pay with Mash on the same prompt. Even credit cards don't make you sign in before you choose how you want to pay. Why is mash trying to inject itself into the flow so far upstream of the check-out process? The answer seems to me, like it's trying to horizontally integrate before it has found product-market-fit and before users have learned what Mash even is. "React & donate with a single click", should be like your 2024 strategy...after you have some traction. Maybe.
Appreciate the feedback and taking the time to write it all out. And the internal monologue of sorts. Helps us understsnd the nuance.
Will bring up some of your suggestions with our designer as we experiment. We’re working on a lot tricky problems with a small team and trying to make something seamless and easy - beyond just donate once users that are already in lightning.
Great feedback
So the point of this product is to bypass paywalls correct? Why do you need an account?