Current Nobel Prize(s):
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Medicine
  • Peace
  • Literature
I'm a fan of keeping economics out of the Nobel Prize altogether. It's too inextricably linked to politics imho. In fact I'm a fan of removing anything that isn't a physical science.
I'm a fan of keeping economics out of the Nobel Prize altogether. It's too inextricably linked to politics imho.
To be fair, there actually is no "Nobel Prize in economics". It's just referred as such:
The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, is an economics award administered by the Nobel Foundation.
Although not one of the five Nobel Prizes established by Alfred Nobel's will in 1895, it is commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics, and is administered and referred to along with the Nobel Prizes by the Nobel Foundation.
But I guess this is exactly what you also wanted to say and you're already aware of that fact :)
Just wanted to mention in case others don't know it's indeed not an official Nobel Prize.
That's why I called it an "almost Nobel Prize". Unfortunately, at the rate we're going, all of the hard sciences will be political soon, too.
The Peace Prize probably has an even worse track record than the Econ Prize. One of the reasons the hard science prizes aren't as embarrassing is that they usually wait much longer to award them. That let's them see if the discovery really was a big deal. Maybe the Peace Prize can at least wait until the person is out of office, just in case he starts drone bombing children all over the world.
Peace is a joke prize