Following @grayruby's very successful sports takeover (which has actually been completely unsuccessful at its stated aim), I'm going to start making my economics themed posts on the meta sub. This protest will continue until @k00b acquiesces to our demand for a dedicated economics sub, at which point we will peacefully vacate the meta sub.
Today's entry is an article about the recent winners of the almost Nobel Prize in Economics.
Two Swedes on the New Economics Nobel "Two Austrian economists from Sweden provide commentary on the Swedish central bank's choice for this year's Nobel Prize in Economic Science."
Completely unsuccessful at being unsuccessful maybe.
I would love an econ sub. If there is one thing I have worse hot takes on than sports, it's macroeconomics.
The barbarians are at the gate @k00b
Current Nobel Prize(s):
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Medicine
  • Peace
  • Literature
I'm a fan of keeping economics out of the Nobel Prize altogether. It's too inextricably linked to politics imho. In fact I'm a fan of removing anything that isn't a physical science.
I'm a fan of keeping economics out of the Nobel Prize altogether. It's too inextricably linked to politics imho.
To be fair, there actually is no "Nobel Prize in economics". It's just referred as such:
The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, is an economics award administered by the Nobel Foundation.
Although not one of the five Nobel Prizes established by Alfred Nobel's will in 1895, it is commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics, and is administered and referred to along with the Nobel Prizes by the Nobel Foundation.
But I guess this is exactly what you also wanted to say and you're already aware of that fact :)
Just wanted to mention in case others don't know it's indeed not an official Nobel Prize.
That's why I called it an "almost Nobel Prize". Unfortunately, at the rate we're going, all of the hard sciences will be political soon, too.
The Peace Prize probably has an even worse track record than the Econ Prize. One of the reasons the hard science prizes aren't as embarrassing is that they usually wait much longer to award them. That let's them see if the discovery really was a big deal. Maybe the Peace Prize can at least wait until the person is out of office, just in case he starts drone bombing children all over the world.
Peace is a joke prize
Looking forward to this mutinous plan.
Stacker News does not need more subreddits. There is a great place I can suggest that can accomodate your desire to participate in segregated discussions where anyone can make a subreddit. DM me if you'd like me to redirect you.
Aside from this, I've discussed this previously and think it would be much better to just adopt "labels" instead of "subs". (Check profile if interested)
The subreddit system is a fucking joke, not sorry. It allows for centralized power over particular topics.. see how most financial advice subreddits will ban you for mentioning Bitcoin or a million other examples of moderators abusing their power that they got because they arrived early.
Have fun with your daily thread.
Skreep hanging fire here; but the design pattern of SN disallows centralized powers like moderated subreddits do. An econ sub isn't moderated by anybody and you have to pay hard money to post and reply.
Sheesh, what a Debbie Downer.
I don't actually care about the specific mechanism. @scottathan laid out the case for having somewhere to talk about economics without clogging up the other feeds.
If you think it's easier for them to just rework how the site works, feel free to champion that cause.
Stacker News does not need more subreddits
100% agree It just create more places where shitcoiners will do whatever they want. Shitcoinizing SN is their goal. Next will be to request some shitcoin instead of sats...
I promise that's not the goal. We're just trying to respect that people coming here to read about Bitcoin might not be interested in seeing posts about general economics in the "Bitcoin" sub.
The subreddit system is a fucking joke, not sorry. It allows for centralized power over particular topics.. see how most financial advice subreddits will ban you for mentioning Bitcoin or a million other examples of moderators abusing their power that they got because they arrived early.
Subreddits are just a place for communities to hang out in essence. What makes them bad is not inherent to subreddits imo since "a place for communities to hang out" is not a fucking joke, right?
Are you making a reddit clone but with bitcoin involved? or are you trying to make something cultivate something unique?
I just see literal redditors come here and want to turn SN into reddit. I'm sure @Darthcoin has a whole folder of stars wars pictures with "FUCK REDDIT" edited into them. think about those images.
subreddits are places where anyone can become their own ruler over any particular topic, splintering off from the collective to create their own ruleset for how others shall behave in their shiny new echo chamber.
Would you rather we create the ~econ sub or would you prefer you/someone who actually knows a lot about econ launch and nuture it?
here's a direct quote from @k00b indirectly floating the concept of subs/moderators.
Beyond this... Today it's a "Economics" sub, tomorrow it's a "Finance" sub, the day after it's an "Investing" sub, the day after that it's a "Music" sub, the day after that it's a "Education" sub, the day after that it's a "Health" sub, the day after that it'll be a "News" sub, the day after that it'll be a "Science" sub, the day after that it'll be a "Culture" sub, the day after an "Artificial Intelligence" sub, or an "Art" sub, or an "AI-Art" sub or a blah blah blah (I could literally go on like this for a while) then we'll want specific subs to our specific geographical locations.. or specific political leanings.. our own languages.. splinter splinter splinter splinter.
and then the reposts... the same article showing up in the Bitcoin sub, the Tech sub, the Finance sub. The same articles every day showing up in News, in Economics, in Tech, in AI, in Business etc. SPAM SPAM SIGNAL SPAM.
Reddit is basically already terrible. SN should take many queues from Bitcoin... slow methodical purposeful meaningful changes, adaptive fees, limited space, open source, decentralized... Let Papa Bitcoin guide you.
here's a direct quote from @k00b indirectly floating the concept of subs/moderators.
Moderator is dirty word to you and me both - bud - so chill on putting words in my mouth please.
Otherwise, I've enjoyed your criticisms of sub-communities vs labels and I think all the problems you identify with sub-communities are valid.
I think you're taking the comparison to Reddit too literally. There are definitely problems with Reddit (which is probably why we're here in the first place) but we want to copy the good parts from reddit - obviously not the bad parts.
People usually say "it's X but with Y". Doesn't mean it's literally "X but with Y".
SN should take many queues from Bitcoin... slow methodical purposeful meaningful changes, adaptive fees, limited space, open source, decentralized... Let Papa Bitcoin guide you.
That's actually exactly what we are striving for!
It's our overarching goal to align SN with Bitcoin's ethos yet still make a product the average bitcoiner loves to use.
Nobel Prize = shitcoining
Just put up a bounty to the devs for the creation of an ~econ sub.
That sounds like a completely reasonable alternative. No.
Edit: I thought you were giving me a suggestion. Apparently, you were giving an update that, unlike me, you were putting your money where your mouth is.
Love this idea. I'll start making my econ posts in meta too