While the whole lefties and righties thing is useless for ensuring an effective democratic process and debate, we get what you mean and selling Bitcoin to lefties has multiple excellent angles
  • Climate Change: Most will likely believe Bitcoin is bad for the climate, but with some precise points it's pretty easy to logically argue it's far better than most other industries. Why Climate Change Activists Should Love Bitcoin
  • Helps The Poor: Allows the poor, oppressed and those without formal ID (billions) to have a bank account. One that's not hyperinflated away, seized by a dictator or confiscated off them. This in itself is literally life saving for billions
  • Helps Protect Protesters, Journalists & Other Vulnerable Minorities: Bitcoin cannot be stopped or confiscated. From vital journalists to sex workers to protestors or LGBTQ that are deplatformed it offers a globally recognised and growing way to continue their life. It also allows women in countries that financially oppress them to hold an untouchable financial asset
There's more such as the defunding of forever wars, the stopping of the debasement of billions of people's savings, helping to stabilize the grid and encourage renewables, preventing of methane flaring into the atmosphere, giving another financial option that increases privacy and so on.
All of these points should resonate strongly with the stereotypical "lefty". You just have to hone your sales pitch 😉