Hi guys, I've been researching and experimenting Bitcoin for a few years and I’m looking for guidance on how to pursue a career in this sector. I am not a developer/engineer and have no programming skills, but I’m curious about other facets of Bitcoin, such as education, journalism, research, or consultancy/adivsory services. My background is in business and (technical) innovation, with years of experience as an innovation manager for the financial sector.
Do you have any recommendations on how to find a Bitcoin-related job that does not require development, or some inspiration for starting a bitcoin-related company? At the start it could also be a side-gig, with the prospects of scaling up operations in the future. I thought about setting up a web shop selling BTC-related equipment and offering consultancy/educational services on the side, but it's already a crowded (even if still niche) market where I'm based (central europe). What are some of the skills, tools, and resources that I should learn or acquire? What are some of the challenges or risks that I should be aware of?
I am open to every kind of recommendation, or willing to hear personal experiences and mistakes/learnings. Thanks!
Just do what you like/know and demand to be paid in bitcoin.
as you can probably imagine, it's not that easy. The function and industry I am currently in doesn't really allow that, so I was looking for guidance/nspiration from others that attempted a similar career change.
So I'm certainly no expert here, but it seems that coding/programming skills are a huge plus in the space. It sounds like your experience in tech innovation could be very advantageous in the startup space surrounding Bitcoin. There is a lot of opportunity out there from what I can see.
I got started by mining "crypto" which gave me great insight into the technical operations of blockchains, and now I'm a mining tech and owner of an online store selling Bitcoin merch. My experience and training is on the IT side of things, but I've dabbled in many areas.
Checkout bitcoinerjobs.com, and the jobs board here on SN. That's how I landed both my mining tech gigs. I had to check it weekly for a few months before I landed anything, and submitted tons of resume without any response. I think this sector is inundated with applications from like-minded people.
PS: you can auto-convert your paychecks to Bitcoin from anyone using CashApp or Bitwage.
Thanks for the tips and for sharing your experience with me!
Not sure if this is too obvious to say, but development and technical knowledge are super important to btc and are easily acquired with time. Well, perhaps 'easily' is the wrong word, but the good news is that learning the tech skills that would allow you to understand btc will be valuable for every other profession, too. Given that all the knowledge is free, it's a good investment.
Work through this tutorial, taking as much time as you need to acquire skills and knowledge that you don't have, and you'll have a stronger foundation than 95% of people who read SN, and the world will start to open.
Thanks, I will check this out!
The best way to get started it to just start doing. Most of the space is open source, so just start contributing where you can. Since it's not code you do, reach out and help out in the ways you can. If you're doing good work, people will recognize you.
I like what you say. Having a bias towards action is important. Better to jump in and get your hands dirty than to ruminate about when it’s best to get involved
Check out open source bitcoin related projects. Try them out. Continue to use the ones you like. Improve them by improving documentation, offering suggestions on the user interface, being part of the community. See where things go from there. Lots of these projects could use some serious help with usability.