This scoring system is bad. It incentivizes delaying posting as long as possible - the longer the post is up, the longer the time window for it to collect sats. It also incentivizes making posts that do not catch the attention (no bolds, no pics, no highlights) which is less fun.
Imho you should have gone for reverse-scoring system.
I've changed my mind about the time window; you are correct in that 5 days was too long of a deadline. 5 days is long enough that people will feel like there's no point submitting anything until the last day, so more users would play if i had set a 24h deadline or less. I'll remember that for next time. Thank you.
The longer the post is up, the longer the time window for it to be downvoted, no?
How do you mean reverse scoring? And what do you think the end goals are? :)