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Bitcoin maximalism is a belief system that revolves around the idea that Bitcoin (BTC) is not only the original cryptocurrency
Lol. A fact is a "belief". Alright.
The life of a Bitcoin maximalist involves frequent debates and discussions with members of the broader cryptocurrency community
Lolwat? All I ever see are shitcoiners trying to tell me why their shitcoin is special and why I should care about it.
As the cryptocurrency space continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Bitcoin maximalists navigate the ever-changing landscape while remaining unwavering in their commitment to the original cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.
You don't get it. We've seen vaporware and hot air since forever. We don't waste time and don't pay attention to shitcoins any more, on principle. We like a new block every ten minutes.
Was this written by Chat GPT?
To be honest, I don't care how big or small, active or inactive BTC maxis are in the broader "crypto" space because everything other than BTC really doesn't matter.
I don't see it as my mission to evangelize BTC so much as shouting strategically into the ether about its merits; convincing someone requires them to be open-minded, and that's not something that I can control.
I'll put the information out there when it seems appropriate and I don't shy away from bringing it up, but if you aren't receptive, sorry I'm just going to move on to the next spot to shout from.