Lets understand something we don't need to fear CBDCs because we already live in a surveilance dystopia, if you think we are not already in that world let me prove it to you.
Only private CryptoCurrencys allow real free trade, in bitcoin and all the other shitcoins you have companys like ciphertrace giving the information to goverments to analize the blockchain and track "undesired" wallets.
MakerDAO, a "decentralized Dao" cucks to the us goverment and bans ips from vpns. https://twitter.com/ChrisBlec/status/1688244517525139456
And lets not forget goverment regulations, while necessary for some retarded moonboys falling to scammers its nontheless a litmus test for whats actually usefull in crypto and for whats gambling garbage.
The etimology of freedom comes from the word, Eleutheria (ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ), The word comes from arriving (eleu) to where one loves (eran). The word basically implys free movement and free trade, the moment the athenians reached their peak was when they dominated the athenian league and they could exert their will into other greek states and they had the time to discuss philosophy and more abstract concepts, after losing the sparta-athenian war the athenians lost their freedom because they were now in the service of sparta and the athenian league was dismantled.
Freedom only exist in master morality, for slave morality freedom means negative liberty which is the absence of obstacles and this is the type of freedom that the boomer untermensch and the oversocialized leftie love to defend, Positive liberty instead is possibility of acting — or the fact of acting — in such a way as to take control of one’s life and that also requires the acting of removing or constraining the liberty of others and that could include constraining the freedom of the burgoise.
Lets go back to 2008, satoshi was a cypherpunk and he contacted other cypherpunks like the guy that died from alz, there was no denying that these cypherpunks were revolutionary in creating a peer to peer currency native to the internet, basically bitcoin Deterritorializes the control of money from the burgoeise which control finance and the state, however we know technology is a thug of war game and innovation is a requirement to win against the terroralization force of the state, surveilance is a territoalizating force, if the state is capable of controling CryptoCurrencys by watching the blockchain and seizing wallets in centralized exchanges then the state is capable of controling the desire of capital to run from constains, the accelerationist position is to support the cypherpunks in their quest to use technology to abolish the state, this basic desire has been forgotten and diluted by surveilance blockchains and moonboys wanting lambos without any work, heck its funny they will only get their lambos if crypto achieves full independence from the state.
So you can't trust the Daos in open blockchains like etherium, you can't trust the web wallet providers, you can't trust your local exchange, heck bitcoin might be decentralized but its not as usefull as monero and darkfi, in Darkfi there is anonimous DAOs and darkpools, i went to elsalvador for 2 weeks to fulfil my desire to use money that its outside the state control, eventually i wanted to use dollars because it was hard to use bitcoin alone but i managed to do it even more in a place like el zonte, the more people use CryptoCurrency the more it will become common in society just like smartphones became a common necessity in society, we need the moonboys because more usage means the network effect gets stronger nontheless the revolutionary potential in cryptocurrencys doesn't rely on bitcoin itself or the moonboys adopting it but on the ideals of cypherpunks writing the code and because we know cypherpunks are the ones fighting for the future they are also the ones where you should invest your money in. Basically bitcoin for the most part is a failure and i feel its stagnating, its not as revolutionary as people intend to be and to be honest bitcoiners endlessly repeat the same satoshi tales its boring