All the shit of a credit card system on top of LN... KYC, track of UTXO ... why? LN is working fine.
They sell the same framework of old payment providers, all the work is for the integrator... profits for sure, there is no innovation here.
So they replaced Sats with fiat currency to transact by using the tech of lightning network
like strike?
Yeah, would be interested to see the difference between this and what Strike does. Seems quite similar. Perhaps the flexibility is the differentiator w/ UMAs?
People always forgot WHY Bitcoin was created in the first place: to get rid of all these intermediaries like Lightspark (aka the sneaky paypal hand into bitcoin).
Bitcoin whitepaper: Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
I do not see anywhere there saying about "universal money" crap....
Are lightspark doing the strike thing (fiatA-LN-fiatB) for institutions?
Looks like it
another crap manipulation to make normies keep using fiat./stablecoin/shitcoins... pathetic. The only money that people should use is bitcoin.
That sounds horrible.
Useless features, fiat currencies always depreciate. This can only temporarily attract attention.