wait... fair? its on his campaing... he is pro dollarizarion..
"Competencia de monedas que permitan a los ciudadanos elegir el sistema monetario libremente o la dolarización de la economía." - this is the original program
He speaks dollar while there is ZERO mention to btc
you cant be serious on your comment
There is no mention of BTC itself in the official plans, that's for sure, but re-read first phrase of the quote you posted here. He's talked about BTC and that quote might as well be a direct reference to it (although it's more of, again, "let people use the currency they want to use, not Argentinian Pesos")
i noticed that,
But you know there will not be a popular vote..
BlackRock already has the dollars ready to make a buck,
Mention to dollar: 1 Mention to btc: ZERO Mention to close the Central Bank obliging to adopt fiat: 1
hes not pro-btc hes pro dollarization..
Ecuador is mentioned 100 times on his speach...