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Small doses… I haven’t seen half his films as I assume, perhaps unfairly, if you have seen one you have seen them all. I have similar feelings about Jim Carey…
Exactly. I can't really warm up to either. I did find Jim Carey funny early on in "In Living Color" days, but I'm sure that show is dated and seems pretty offensive now.
I don’t recall seeing it. ‘Man On The Moon’ is excellent and it’s claimed tipped him over the edge.
I was a big Andy Kaufman fan. You either loved him or hated him. Carey did a good job. I actually like him better in his recent unhinged state. Maybe that's cruel.
We should have guessed that we both liked Andy Kaufman… certainly surreal enough for us.
Not cruel as much as appreciative of the gift of his mania perhaps.
Way back when Kaufman did his Mighty Mouse thing on Saturday Night Live I almost died laughing. My family wanted to know what the hell was so funny.
I go full Tony Clifton singing ‘in the club style’ on occasion….