Cool, I hope to see more places that offer similar stuff (gambling, gaming, etc.) to take lightning as an option for deposits. I don't see why more places aren't doing it already, I guess we'll have to work on making it easier for them to integrate it so they don't have a reason to not do it.
Fingers crossed! Now I'm waiting for lightning-native prediction market!
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I was confused by the name. I thought this was, a BitTorrent client that works with an internal credits system. I thought they might have switched over to ₿ 😅
I couldn't find a company name in the page. Is this not registered as a business? If so, I love it. Civil disobedience and sticking it to the man at its finest.
Hi @pillar, we are working on the legal entity in parallel. Most probably in Isle of Man or Estonia. We are still alpha version, so technically still in dev and testing phase. We will go live with main only after we've secured a legal gambling entity status.