I see very often, people who refer to Bitcoin Pizza day as a day to laugh at Laszlo Hanyecz, but I am of the contrary opinion. To me, Bitcoin Pizza day is day to go out with friends and spend Bitcoin an amount of Bitcoin, mind you, that is a small amount of the overall stack, but which nonetheless allows the participant to network with other Bitcoiners and discuss things their building with each other, as well as talk about why you're using Bitcoin to the server who probably doesn't even realize you used Bitcoin to pay.
Its a yearly proof that Bitcoin is money, yes because it has one fundamental key feature of money, a store of wealth, but also because its divisible properties allow for it to also function as a medium of exchange.
Bitcoin Pizza day is also about supporting Bitcoiner run businesses, if you can find them. Its a community building and strengthening event. I would encourage anyone celebrating Bitcoin Pizza day this year, to do so with these thoughts in mind.
It's usually new people the ones who laugh at Laszlo, because they just don't know the situation.
In reality, it was just free pizza, he himself has mentioned this. Around that time you could just click Generate Coins in the Bitcoin application, and your PC would use the CPU to mine some coins, 50 BTC per block found, which at that time was often. After a while you'll end up with thousands of them, and nothing to spend it on. He was offering 10 thousand BTC for pizza because there was almost nothing you could do with them, it was free pizza for him.
And Laszlo even published AFAIK the first GPU miner, and he kept mining bitcoins for free pizzas, and even bought more with lightning when lightning was a new thing.
Comments like "he should have hodled" are nonsense.
a day of regret and fantasy lol omg what a title
Great writeup! If the genesis block === chritmas, then pizza day === easter. It has risen