As a noob to Bitcoin, I’ve heard swan adverts on almost every Bitcoin podcast I’ve listened to.
Now I know that usually adverts just mean the company is spending lots of money on marketing but I feel that Bitcoin podcasts are usually more stringent on what they promote.
Does anyone use swan? Is it a good idea for a beginner to start buying Bitcoin monthly? I’m only looking to put $100 per month in.
Bitcoin podcasts that take advertising money are no better or worse than anyone else that takes advertising. They're subject to the same forces and conflicts of interest.
That said, I like Swan and use them to DCA. I like their service and think they're good actors. The main reason I use them is because I think they're good for the larger ecosystem. I view the fees as basically a tithe to support that work.
(Although, despite using the word "tithe", I could do without the religious revival vibe of their conference. There's enough of that shit already in the industry.)
It is a very easy way to dollar cost average automatically. Plus, automatically withdraw to self-custody.
I use them and you can get you an me $10 using my referral link:
I’m only looking to put $100 per month in.
Why not all in? Keeping money in a bank account is insanity. This DCA is only for pussies. Start earning bitcoin, not buying it anymore. Demand to be paid in Bitcoin!
They put out great educational content and push self-custody, which is so rare in the space, Like any business that offers KYC and custodial holding of your funds, use them as you like and try to reduce any exposure to them and keep your sats with your own keys and you never have to worry about what they're doing and if they go bust.
Also try to have a non-KYC stash too by trying p2p so you have bitcoin not tied to your ID
Would use them if living in USA🤙🏽
they are big on bitcoin education and self custody