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Hey @k00b some of bitcoin article/items posted (links) here by stackers are interesting, but i have less time to read it, so I bookmark items to read them later, can you add Read Later like opition on @sn so i can add them to my lists and read it later.
Rather than bookmark!
Thanks a lot @k00b @ekzyis
I 100% support this proposal. Bookmarks are for keeping them as favorites, "read later" is something else.
Thanks DarthCoin
What's the difference between Read Later and bookmark? I understand they're different because you say they are, but I don't understand how?
Read later - This feature is usually focused on short-term saving,
bookmarks are more general and can be used to save important items for future reference, while "read later" features are specialized for saving articles or content specifically for reading later!
Thanks k00b for your response.
Okay, so a separate bookmark-like list.
Maybe what we need is lists and one default list could be 'Read Later'.
What about a List section(or a sub maybe ?) where every user share his list of his favorite post about curated topics ,
and every list can be zapable also
Edit : A section is better then a sub
That's an interesting twist! If we make lists zappable, then we can reward curation.
This idea was in may head a long time
And i thougt you wouldnt like it @k00b
I find this as a way to express the juice of sn,
  • as many users ask good question and many members answer even very useful answers but all of this being lost the next day (even the search didnt help me to find thos post when i needed them)
  • also i see a lot of question being repeating like (what is the best ln wallet ,best node, how to recover fund...) @DarthCoin resending his guides link every time the same question being posted...
So lists was the best solution And i would like them to be implemented not like a sub but as a section that can be accessed through an icon beside the notification icon or something simmilar
i think i should repost this as a post
deleted by author
Yes, Like that.
im not 100% clear on the difference between bookmark and subscribe
  • where do i see my bookmarks? (ok, i see them under profile now)
  • and my subscribes?
and it may follow that bookmark implies a subscribe?
Also add No of views (Watched), on posts
A SN reading list sounds super useful
Favorite for keepers / Reading Cue for to-dos
Bookmark is ubiquitous and could be split
Great suggestion @Cowboy
Normaly i save them as a browser bookmark, but a "Read Later" option would be better.
Yes, Thanks for your response sir
Could probably accomplish this with a RemindMe bot, too, which is already an open feature request
@k00b I was going to suggest something regarding bookmarks, so maybe I'll put it here :)
What do you think about adding a daily reward feature for bookmarked posts?
For example, lets say I add 1000 sats to my bookmark wallet; this is then distributed to the items in my bookmark on a daily or weekly process.
Oh interesting. Worth considering
Making it an RSS feed would be useful
Typical YAGNI candidate that results in a feature bloat. Keep product simple as possible.