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Please tell me this is not one of those "If you only try harder" comments.
Many years ago, I read online about "Asperger" and it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one experiencing the problems I was experiencing. But in the end, I realized it was just another label to make me become a victim.
No, I am not suggesting that you should "try harder" to fit in and be like society wants you to be. Quite the opposite. Your brain works the way it does and you should embrace it instead of fighting it. Every perceived "weakness" can be reframed as a strength. Yes, it can be difficult when people around us are constantly telling us that we should fit a certain mold or that we are "sick" or have a "disorder".
"Normal" brains don't understand bitcoin yet, for example.
I got it, sorry if I got a little defensive at first, but well, you know the drill, you aspies get thrown the typical "show some empathy" at you more often than not.
I know my brain is part of me, sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. I don't really victimize myself for it, but sometimes I have to explain things that otherwise would seem pretty strange, i.e: When I forget something 1 second after mentioning it myself, or not being able to unfocus on the things I like (I can't decide it, it just happens, thanks brain).
But yeah, understanding Bitcoin seems to be a thing for the odd ones.