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My personal well being before others
Would try to be the “good guy” always helping others out, while simultaneously putting off my own problems
All in the name of “selflessness” — when in reality I was just selfishly trying to put up a false persona, to my own detriment!
We live and we learn!
Your revelation sounds like a stoicism lesson I recently watched on YouTube. Some people would say we need a good dose of Ayn Rand.
Yes I think @k00b would say that!
I think he was sharing his fondness for atlas shrugged in one of the past SNLs if I remember right
There's a lot of room for selfishly being "selfless." Rand tends to make strong points stronger by reappropriating words. It took me a long time to appreciate what she means by selfishness which mostly amounts to you not owing anyone anything (ie you aren't born with social/societal debt).
(You are both referencing her as intended but I wanted to elaborate in case anyone might be as confused as I was initially.)
I haven't watched the last week or two yet.
citizen arresting u for being a fake SN fan!
I checked. I only missed Friday's. Maybe my memory just failed me again.
what's the best material (Fountainhead and Atlas excluded) to learn and put into practice Objectivism?
As ex-lawyer, how do you see the natural law? I asked the same question to my sister (that she's a lawyer too)....
I read about natural law for many years, but it really had little in common with my law practice. I defended people accused of crimes in the U.S., so of course I had to focus on the U.S. constitution and the bill of rights. The U.S. was founded on the English common law system. There is a slight overlap there with Natural Law as I believe you mean it, but not much. Of course my purpose as a lawyer had to be to work within the system, while always hoping the system would change.
hmmm, slight the same answer as my sister, only that you were more soft in answering...
Of course my purpose as a lawyer had to be to work within the system
As I expected and same answer I got from my sister.
Very interesting....
Remember, all lawyers are assholes (except your sister)
... especially my sister, she's an asshole
... bitcoin
Dammit…all paths do really lead to btc don’t they.
Or maybe just my questions 😭😅
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 30 Oct 2023
Why does the bike go where you look? The idea that your motorcycle will go where you're looking is merely a shorthand way of thinking about a phenomenon that virtually all drivers (of any kind of vehicle) have experienced before: that if you turn your head you tend to STEER in the direction you're looking.
@birdeye21 I'm so glad for you. I went through the same realization just yesterday. 33 years old, christ.
But I wouldn't call it "ignoring" your inner demon (meaning, the thing that is taboo for you, e.g. being selfish, being arrogant). I suspect that like me, you had no idea that you were ignoring anything att all. And kept getting confused when you suddenly behaved irrationally? That's what happened to me at least. Great post.
Peterson talks often about fighting your demons. I never realized they were so hard to find. But now that I see mine... Well i won't be humble about it! :D
Yep exactly, genuinely didn’t think I was doing anything wrong - quite the opposite.
Was confusing why it wasn’t “working” long term though until I dug a little deeper
How many people aren't guided by reason
Yes agreed, but sometimes emotion can serve you better! What's bad are those only operating on emotion
Reading history.
I still don't like history as it's normally presented - a history of politics, which I find lame past or present.
The history of people and technology are full of amazing stories and lessons however.
Man i used to think history was boring as hell as a teenager, then i grew up and now im obsessed
i truely believe we find things when we are mentally ready..
i too hated the idea of taking history in high school.
but i would recommend it for my kids now lol
Well, you're right. It's not easy to find a good balance in life. That said, I'm not sure if "being good" is something we choose all the time. Sometimes we have the choice, others we're forced into a difficult decision.
While we cannot accept deliberate aggression from others, there are moments that is simply better let it pass. Every decision holds a mix of inner fight between morals, dogma and conscience. But this is philosophical, sorry I'm going too far lol
Helping others is nice, I think. I like to do it sometimes. But some people do not deserve it, and we must understand and be prepared to not expect any recognition, it doesn't matter much in the end. Anyways, don't let the "good guy" in you die completely.
Also you talk about creating a false persona, that is really bad, I found myself in this situation many times as well. But being truly you requires some effort from time to time, and this is the lesson we learn.
Yep, most important thing is being true to yourself, and yes, without* being a dick about it haha
Healthy balance.
That is all too common. You are not alone. Me personally, I did that for so long that I ended up rage quitting my job with no back-up plan and now I'm paying the painful price. Mental health is very important for all of us! Live and learn, rinse and repeat...
mental health is everything
you got this ! ❤
BTC only really getting into stacking as of about 2021 i am very late to the party. i heard about it in 2010 and thought about trying to mine some whilst at uni or et some via MtGox but couldn't work out how to do it so just never bothered. now mining is way to cost prohibitive for me. and i missed the boat on cheap coins in 2010.... i ignored it again in 2016 or so when it made national news on its surge to 8k... and now here i am. unable to get enough of it.
still early than most!
Knew it was you from the title. Thanks for your contributions!
Thanks for tuning in :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it really is describing what a lot of people consider their reality.
However I don't think you should be too strict in judging yourself, we usually tend to overestimate the our flaws and underestimate our virtues.
What's something you continually ignored for TOO long?
Probably I ignored for too long the relevance and importance of patience. Patience meaning the ability to not overestimate what I can achieve in a short period of time and to not underestimate what can be achieved throughout a longer timeframe.
I still have to work a lot on this, 'perspective taking' is not one of my best skills (yet) :-)
you are probably right, im a king at self-judging too much
'Perspective taking' a very underrated skill
talk to yourself, like you do to your best mates 'stay positive homie'
very hard to do in practice lol
Honesty try to just talk to myself Less overall
Need to be more distracted with action!
honestly i ignored Bitcoin for far too long, being bitter about monetary systems as a whole, and viewed crypto as another greed-driven tech bubble. in a way, i think i was accurate about crypto in general, but not digging deeper into the philosophical premise of Bitcoin was a HUGE mistake. i'm beginning to embrace it now, perhaps late to the game. but better late than never, right?
you were right. people are greedy. we call came for NgU lol
The real implications of my ADHD. Distractibility is not the only thing that it affects, and doesn't matter much I tried the obvious things that work for everyone else ("eating the frog", exercise, diet changes, "finding purpose" whatever that really means, task managers, etc, etc etc...) I've never been able to establish a routine or managed to find motivation to do things I simply don't love (I can like things and still lose all motivation because my brain hates me), and have never managed to achieve a long term project.
Medicine helps a lot, but it doesn't solve it, but knowing the many things ADHD affects other than just "look, squirrel" has saved me a lot of frustration, I'm not lazy, I really like to do stuff, my brain is just stupid and wants me to stay in a constant state of Analysis Paralysis when I don't want to.
thanks for sharing.❤
just do your best - no one can fault that
Your brain is part of you.
Please tell me this is not one of those "If you only try harder" comments.
Many years ago, I read online about "Asperger" and it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one experiencing the problems I was experiencing. But in the end, I realized it was just another label to make me become a victim.
No, I am not suggesting that you should "try harder" to fit in and be like society wants you to be. Quite the opposite. Your brain works the way it does and you should embrace it instead of fighting it. Every perceived "weakness" can be reframed as a strength. Yes, it can be difficult when people around us are constantly telling us that we should fit a certain mold or that we are "sick" or have a "disorder".
"Normal" brains don't understand bitcoin yet, for example.
I got it, sorry if I got a little defensive at first, but well, you know the drill, you aspies get thrown the typical "show some empathy" at you more often than not.
I know my brain is part of me, sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. I don't really victimize myself for it, but sometimes I have to explain things that otherwise would seem pretty strange, i.e: When I forget something 1 second after mentioning it myself, or not being able to unfocus on the things I like (I can't decide it, it just happens, thanks brain).
But yeah, understanding Bitcoin seems to be a thing for the odd ones.
  1. bitcoin.
  2. family.
check yourself plebs ❤
dont wreck yourself!
life is hard - its a work in progress... 😂
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Yep haha…think it’s easy to genuinely trick yourself into thinking you’re doing the right thing putting everyone else first, but you gotta dig into the real intention behind it
Not saying that’s u but easy for anyone to fall into
Easy for any of us to fall into
deleted by author
this...not sure what the long-term implications of society's disregard for privacy are...hoping bitcoin will serve as a bandaid of sorts