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Your revelation sounds like a stoicism lesson I recently watched on YouTube. Some people would say we need a good dose of Ayn Rand.
Yes I think @k00b would say that!
I think he was sharing his fondness for atlas shrugged in one of the past SNLs if I remember right
There's a lot of room for selfishly being "selfless." Rand tends to make strong points stronger by reappropriating words. It took me a long time to appreciate what she means by selfishness which mostly amounts to you not owing anyone anything (ie you aren't born with social/societal debt).
(You are both referencing her as intended but I wanted to elaborate in case anyone might be as confused as I was initially.)
I haven't watched the last week or two yet.
citizen arresting u for being a fake SN fan!
I checked. I only missed Friday's. Maybe my memory just failed me again.
what's the best material (Fountainhead and Atlas excluded) to learn and put into practice Objectivism?
As ex-lawyer, how do you see the natural law? I asked the same question to my sister (that she's a lawyer too)....
I read about natural law for many years, but it really had little in common with my law practice. I defended people accused of crimes in the U.S., so of course I had to focus on the U.S. constitution and the bill of rights. The U.S. was founded on the English common law system. There is a slight overlap there with Natural Law as I believe you mean it, but not much. Of course my purpose as a lawyer had to be to work within the system, while always hoping the system would change.
hmmm, slight the same answer as my sister, only that you were more soft in answering...
Of course my purpose as a lawyer had to be to work within the system
As I expected and same answer I got from my sister.
Very interesting....
Remember, all lawyers are assholes (except your sister)
... especially my sister, she's an asshole