I think I’m done buying apple products. A part of me wants the new phone but another part of me says why? The phones haven’t changed in years and the policies they enforced making damus remove zapping is something that I don’t agree with.
I sold my remaining Apple products a few months ago and even deleted the Apple ID. It was many things: their attempt at on-device photo scanning, their constant push to sell "services"... The issue with Damus was the final straw.
Their hardware is still good quality, but their software, lack of innovation, paternalistic approach, bugs and their politics suck.
I use now GrapheneOS / Lineage OS / Linux, and I don't miss Apple.
Yeah, I'm exactly at this point. Just a few months behind but phasing out.
Yeah I’m on this track now. I use Linux and it’s been an okay transition. But yeah I’m tired of feeding the big tech beast.
If you have kids new phone seems worth it q2-3y for the improving camera quality...