Not the greatest MNF game ever but another win for the Lions. Meanwhile the Texas Rangers took a 2-1 lead in the world series.
Congrats to @undisciplined for taking back the weekly pick 'em championship with absolute perfection. 3 for 3 and hit the tiebreaker right on. @Wumbo almost became our second repeat champion of the year but was foiled by a late missed FG.
Speaking of our champ @undisciplined. He has created an nba in-season tournament pool so if you want to join here is the info #298918. So far I believe there is just 3 of us, so it would be great to get a few more competitors. No buy in. Payout will be min 5k sats and up to whatever amount of sats the pool posts get zapped.
Down to 3 in the survivor pool. I will be doing that post shortly from the survivor account. Best of luck to the remaining competitors vying to take home 310k sats.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
Josh McDaniels getting fired? Puts on McDaniels.
Are you joining us in the NBA pool?
I have as much understanding of the NBA as I do the NHL or the MLB. So I'll take a pass on that one. But thanks :)
All good.
Has to be on the hot seat.