I'm familiar with NewPipe ..., didn't know of LibreTube before. You are on F-Droid, so I'll give it a try!
What is SponsorBlock?
As far as tipping creators, if the creator adds a Lightining address in the description of their Youtube video, Alby (browser extension) supports tipping to that, given it has the prefix of "⚡️" (e.g., ⚡️earnbitcoin@stacker.news ). The prefix differentiates between that being an e-mail address and that being a Lightning address. But only Alby follows this convention.
So you could do the same, ... pluck the LN address from the video description and accommodate tipping to that. Or, Alby doesn't do this but you might ... if there's no Lightning address in the video description maybe there is one in the creator's Youtube About page, and if so grab it from there, instead.
There's only a tiny fraction of the creators who have added a Lightning Address to their video descriptions (nonetheless to their Youtube About page),
The other problem is, ... it's hard to convince people to send a tip. Especially if every video has an LN address to tip. If you aren't familiar with Value for Value, maybe read up a little and listen to some podcasts describing Value 4 Value. That will help you better present this to the users ... explaining how, if they received value from the video, sending value in exchange results in more and better content in the future. (and, conversely, if the video did not provide value to them, not sending any value is totally fine).
I think I do this but there is this problem that the server owners may try to change the descriptions to get some sats!