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I don't know who needs to hear it but you will never be given freedom. You have to take it. You cannot wait for permission to do x. You can't vote for your freedom. You have to exercise it. Most conservatives, many libertarians, and anarchists do not get this. I used to be this way. Even if you wake up tomorrow and the State is dead you are gonna have to be a big boy and figure it out. Stop viewing freedom and liberty as a fetish and instead exercise it Bitcoin is one way but not the only way. Figure out how to defend yourself physically, and legally. Build wealth. Don't say I can't, say how can I?
Sounds to me like there is no freedom without proof of work.
And once you gain that freedom the easy part is over. You will have to fight claw & cling to every shred of it. Governments (official or otherwise) will slowly erode & legislate tiny bits of it away because they think you won't care. At that point it gets even harder to regain what you lost. Freedom & self-sovereignty isn't free. The personal responsibility & accountability can be a real pain in the ass, but trust me it's worth every second
When I think about those millions that have lived and still live under the thumb of oppressors it makes more galvanized to seek to live free. Its not on/off. Its not black and white. We have surrendered far to much. We are apathetic and pathetic.
That many of us are born free is an often unappreciated concept, when something is earned it is valued more. Something that stuck with me was after I got my 1st paycheck at 16. I was gonna buy everything I wanted but when I saw the price tags I internally thought hell no. I worked hard for that money & I wasn't gonna waste it.
Let me put here one of my favorites quotes "there is no freedom without restrictions". So you have to know what and where the borders of the restrictions are, to gain freedom what's within your power.
Keep up this energy! The world needs more of this Divine Masculine energy!!
LOL. Thanks.
“Does not the spirit thirst for freedom?” – Alas, not my spirit alone, my body too thirsts for it hourly! When before the odorous castle-kitchen my nose tells my palate of the savory dishes that are being prepared therein, it feels a fearful pining at its dry bread; when my eyes tell the hardened back about soft down on which one may lie more delightfully than on its compressed straw, a suppressed rage seizes it; when – but let us not follow the pains further. – And you call that a longing for freedom? What do you want to become free from, then? From your hardtack and your straw bed? Then throw them away! – But that seems not to serve you: you want rather to have the freedom to enjoy delicious foods and downy beds. Are men to give you this “freedom” – are they to permit it to you? You do not hope that from their philanthropy, because you know they all think like you: each is the nearest to himself! How, therefore, do you mean to come to the enjoyment of those foods and beds? Evidently not otherwise than in making them your property!
If you think it over rightly, you do not want the freedom to have all these fine things, for with this freedom you still do not have them; you want really to have them, to call them yours and possess them as your property. Of what use is a freedom to you, indeed, if it brings in nothing? And, if you became free from everything, you would no longer have anything; for freedom is empty of substance. Whoso knows not how to make use of it, for him it has no value, this useless permission; but how I make use of it depends on my personality [Eigenheit].
I have no objection to freedom, but I wish more than freedom for you: you should not merely be rid of what you do not want; you should not only be a “freeman,” you should be an “owner [Eigner]” too.
-- Max Stirner
I will also add that freedom is a state of mind. Anything is possible if you really want it (without being unreasonable naturally). Rules and regulations normally restrict, they never say "You are allowed to do X" so be aware of them and find a way around them. No one can really stop you from doing anything, only You can.
I feel uneasy about the defending yourself legally part. It acknowledges fake, non-natural law as something to give a hoot about. It's like saying "The game is rigged against you, but instead of exiting it, get better at it so you can sometimes win it maybe." I know it's often good, practical advice, it's just horrible to hear for non-statist ears.
Everything else resonates. Freedom is not a natural state, it takes resources, technology and know-how to maintain. As our civilization advances, opportunities to be free open.
Not what I meant. Defend yourself physically and legally. As in know how to use the laws to your advantage. Should have written as a separate sentance. Poor communication on my part.
OK. The thing is, if your opsec, mastery of the tech etc. is good, you're less likely to get in legal trouble, so it makes sense for me to prioritize that over learning to play the games of people I despise, with arbitrary rules that only apply to an area within imaginary borders, and that can change on a politician's whim, rendering my knowledge irrelevant with the flip of a switch.
Tech is universal, math is timeless. I'd rather advocate for those as tools for the preservation of our freedoms, than the ephemeral brain farts of a proud lawmaker.
Sure it's good to know your so-called rights, and at the end of the day everybody has to find their own balance. Especially those rights that are more basic / fundamental, the result of mankind's fight for freedom spanning centuries and not administrations, and less likely to be, ahem, withdrawn, at least in the near future, at least without resistance. And I guess there is some overlap, e.g. if you know how law enforcement works, e.g. under what conditions they can raid your house and seize your hardware, you can design your practices, setups etc. in awareness of it, as opposed to ignoring the special characteristics of your most likely and most powerful adversary.
I think you are missing my point. Its not either or. Here's an example. I'm going to build wealth and if I have a business I'm going to hire a great accountant to maximise my profit and limit my taxes. Use the tax laws to your benefit. This is just one example. Dont make this a false dichotomy.
Bitcoin is freedom!
Your freedom ends where the freedom of other begins.
Thank god i dont have to worry about freedom .... living in tyranny makes me not worry about this :)
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