The idea of Mutiny is to be itself a LDK node, you hosted on your own hardware / domain or use the default from LDK have its own incorporated node.
If you refer top "connect to my node" means opening a channel with your own LN node, then yes, that is possible to add it as peer, but as i said, right now I do not see where to deposit sats in onchain wallet in order to open that channels towards my own node.
Same case was with Bluewallet LDK that I tested and opened a channel from a separate onchain wallet. But that end up in another issue (see here)
I was wondering rather if I can connect to my LND node too, just like with my Zeus wallet.
No, just use Zeus for that it's great. We wouldn't want to make something that already exists well enough.
You can get an on-chain address to receive to by going through the receive workflow and then changing the format to "on-chain" on the last step.