This makes sense if you can choose between oil/propane/natgas a the primary source of energy where you live. In my suburb, I have district heating as the default or electricity for a heat pump. I have the latter + e-radiators as "boosters" (+ fireplace) and a highly thermal insulated building with ventilation unit. Now it makes suddenly total sense to run a miner and have bitcoin as "waste product", believe it or not.
how annoying is the sound though? every s9 I've heard is the most annoying sound i've ever heard
You need to replace the 2 default 120mm fans with 140mm Noctua silent fans and operate the S9 at lower watts. I run the S9 with 750W @ 9.7 TH/s and it's not loud at all.
district heating
TIL that's a thing
Now you're going to make me cost compare vs cordwood or pellets...