Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
I'm out in LA for a wedding. The financial markets might be tanking, but the market for love is always hot.
Hug someone today!
Upcoming AMA: We haven't scheduled an AMA for the upcoming week yet. When I have one I'll share it on SN and the Stacker News Twitter account.

Top Posts

  1. René Aaron built a slick looking embeddable Lightning receive widget. Add the javascript tag to your website, fill out a few fields including a lightning address, and you're ready to receive instantly settled Bitcoin payments.
  2. Roy, CEO & co-founder of Breez stopped by for an AMA. We learn about Breez's planned transition to Blockstream's Greenlight, Roy's reading habits (mainly detective fiction), and much more! Second only to fiatjaf's AMA, Roy's AMA received 104 comments.
  3. Bumi, technical co-founder of the excellent Lightning browser extension, Alby, created a Bitcoin and Lightning receive page. While similar to René's widget, Bumi's widget connects directly to a Lightning node, comes with a lightning address, uses WebLN and more.
  4. RoboSats, the growing lightning-based P2P Bitcoin exchange, has created a learning portal: https://learn.robosats.com/
  5. The Bitcoin exchange Coin Corner announced The Bolt Card, enabling offline, contactless (NFC) Lightning payments. The Bolt Card gives Lightning payments the UX of a credit card (albeit with some security tradeoffs).

Don't miss

Top Jobs

  1. Analyst \ Trammell Venture Partners \ Austin, Texas
  2. PHP Laravel Backend Engineer \ Madali Ventures \ Remote
  3. Senior Backend Engineer (Golang) \ NOAH \ London or Remote
  4. Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) \ Strike \ Remote
  5. Watch/Listen to Bitcoin Content, Earn Sats \ Stakwork \ Remote
Yeehaw, Keyan Main guy who works on Stacker News