That's very neat indeed! Love it!
Thanks, man! That really means a lot.
First of all: thanks for sharing and all the positive feedback! 💯
@reneaaron here, I am maintaining this project. Please let me know if you have questions, feedback or are missing some features!
Please check out my twitter release thread if you want to learn more about the widget:
UX is great, not much I can complain about! And that doesn't happen often.
One thing worth thinking about is the terminology. "Donate" and "tip" are words used more for just sending little bit of leftover money. In the value4value model I think it makes sense to switch to just "Send sats" instead, and highlighting that it's a good idea to reward for the value that you have received. According to Adam Curry ("the podfather"), just this small change in terminology results in people sending 4x more money (unfortunately I don't have exact quote).
It may be worth hosting the .js somewhere on CDN, but I guess you would have to be careful about security implications.
I prefer send tips to send sats. If you wanna reach normies use language that they can understand.
The current wording is "donate sats". I'm suggesting it may be worth changing to "send sats". But I agree with you that there's a nuance.
It would be interesting to do A/B test and see which one works the best...
You can change the button text to whatever you like by adding the attribute button-text to your widget:
See all available options here:
The creator of this widget was interviewed on Connect The World. That interview was shared, here on SN, separately:
🎧 Quick Talk - René Aaron - Building a Stunning Lightning Payment Widget | Connect The World #31494
Any live websites yet to test from sender’s POV?
You can just try all the widgets you see on If you want to see some realworld-usecases, here are some random examples:
Incredible! I've been working on a Bitcoin-enabled Hugo theme lately, and this comes in handly. Cheers!
That's nice to hear. Would love to see some of those widgets in the wild!
So rad.
We need to finds ways to make easier get one of those address. So anyone can get donations.
I know it’s not the easiest thing, but the LNMe project ( can connect to any node, and host on your own domain, with the node behind TOR.
  • You can just log in with your LN wallet (or email) on Stacker News and you get your Lightning address... e.g. ;)
  • If you use Wallet of Satoshi, then you get Lightning Address automatically
I wonder if it can be much easier than that.
You can use your username too!
I'm talking more about integrating those providers, not the wallet, that way would be easier for people.
  • install a wallet
  • choose a provider
  • choose an adress
  • share that address online.
Having to visit another site to get an adress doesnt seem intuitive, even could be a way generate revenue for those providers.
Ln-address providers should be integrated into wallets allowing users to get an address easily.
With different limits like max amount of donation, fees, etc.
very cool, will test it out!
Got to try this
Really nice to see simple solutions like this.
i love it!