Hey @k00b, this weekend I was noodling on an idea: what if there was a type of post that you could edit in perpetuity? The use case was trying to build up content where simpler things accrue to more complex things. The most straightforward way I could think of to do that is to just have a running note that can change as things evolve ("here's topic x as it stands right now") perhaps with some kind of versioning where you could see topic x evolving over time. [1]
I can roll my own version of this, of course -- every time topic x changes I could make a new post that re-aggregates my thinking on topic x; and then manually add a link to the last version, sort of like re-implementing git with hyperlinks and no hash signatures. But now I have to update the links of all references that may exist to topic x which is a pita. Plus I may not even control those references -- they could be someone else's links, or on another site, or whatever. Plus if I make a lot of changes then it would spam the feed w/ topic x updates; and maybe people would just learn to tune me out even faster than they naturally would.
Basically, the underlying point is that this would make it less frictiony for a different type of content to emerge. I can see some downsides, so it seems like it would matter to make this type of thing visually different from a normal SN post so that people knew what kind of thing that they were seeing, but that seems not too hard. The upside, potentially, is that SN could represent different and perhaps richer interaction paradigms. It seems like conversations could accrue in a way that's hard, now.
It's also possible that I could demonstrate the value for this by doing it the hard way and seeing if it's as useful in practice as it seems to be in theory. But I figured maybe I'd open the idea for public discussion first. Anyone have feedback on this use case?
[1] This is quite close to how the bio pages work, I think, minus the change history.