Considering shitcoins are rallying right now I am going to say 31,500
Two votes for a price decline
At some point all this new money printing has to lead to a price increase.
Yes but when I see eth ripping and even crazier xrp and other shitcoins ripping I just assume we are due for a sizeable pullback to wash out the undue silliness. I don't really care either way to be honest. Actually a pullback would be nice, I have been struggling lately to stay on pace to meet my year end stacking goals. Good thing I front loaded a lot of it early in the year.
Interesting. I don't pay any attention to the altcoins. Are people just yield chasing as conventional investments lag?
Just the regular crypto traders with broken paradigms who believe because bitcoin rallied all the other coins must go up as well. So they put on a ton of leverage and try to chase gains in the altcoins. It's the most fiat, highest time preference thing one can do but it some ways I don't blame them as pushing further and further out the risk curve is an imbedded incentive of the current system.
I am not a fan of Pomp but I did listen to his episode with Lyn and she talked about this as well.