It seems clear that very soon we are going to be in a fight for survival to maintain Bitcoin's independence. I expect many of my fellow plebs think that "they" can't stop Bitcoin. Stay humble and know that they will try and it could be a very difficult fight.
On that topic, most of the Git repos used for managing Freedom Tech projects and deployments are hosted on a cloud provider, GitHub, that is owned by Microsoft. On the threat model, I have this circled in red. I believe we need a mitigation strategy ASAP. Git is a FOSS OG and it is easy to self host. We just don't, because GitHub is so darn convenient. Convenience is the weapon they use. We need to set an example for everyone else that freedom is dependent on using the best tools, not the easiest tools. End rant.
Jack Dorsey put up a pretty large bounty for a nostr-based github replacement. I wonder how that’s going
Every person who clones git repository has full copy with full history of code and commit messages. That's not the issue, easy to migrate. Problem is with issues and pull requests, their comments and code review comments, which are GitHub specific.
Yep. GitHub is definitely a weak link. One simply needs to reference Tornado Cash as an example of the risk.
Unfortunately, there isn't a decentralized solution as good as Github. Maybe Gitlab but is has the same exposure.
Perhaps, its time to start developing git integration with nostr.
I was talking to someone at Nostrasia who was building github via nostr…not sure far along it was.
yes please
This has been bugging me for a long time. Not just github, but the fact that many of the devs' identities are known. Given that Craig Wright, who is a noted dipshit and a proven liar who nobody takes seriously, and who has lost numerous public battles, has nonetheless been able to weaponize the legal system against various people to sufficient degree to cause them great personal trauma --
-- given all that, imagine what a non-dipshit would be able to accomplish. Imagine what a US govt that cared even a little would be able to accomplish.
Good thing the gov is like one giant dipshit.
its true anon is way cooler
I have wondered that constantly since I learned about it, which was not long ago. I don't even know how to look at github, let alone use it, so my opinion is based on prudence and common sense, but definitely not knowledge.
yeah It's microsoft also.. thinking Gitea is the way
There are a few options available. Like sourcehut and forgejo. Both self hosted capable.
But it's up to the projects to choose such a path. Many like the visibility and convenience github provides. Instead of focusing on self sovereignty for their code.
Saw something called Shoggoth that I stumbled across this week that seemed to be doing this.
I agree, and have always tried to keep a local Clone of my most favored repositories.
A couple of years ago I tried git-ssb.
GIT in ipfs has too many limitations.
A quick search came up with but I have no experience of it even though it sounds interesting. I do feel some tingeling shitcoin vibes, but I didn't see anything at the first glance.