This article is well written, and I can relate to the author since we became bitcoin obsessed at around the same time. He makes good points about surviving a bear market, but I don't always agree with his assessment of fellow bitcoiners. I do agree with his criticism of those who believe bitcoin is the cure for every problem. His belief that the dollar may survive longer than most of us imagine seems plausible. In short, it's not your run of the mill take that I have come to expect from a committed maxi. I'm glad to see the author posted this! I hope it inspires some good conversation.
Thanks, Siggy! I appreciate the kind words and even where our opinions might diverge.
I believe I read a review you wrote of a bitcoin conference a while ago. I enjoy your articles. You should post more here on SN.
Roger that! I enjoy SN a lot and it's becoming my go-to. It reminds me of the old-school message boards back in the day. I miss those simpler days.
Admittedly, I didn't know how to follow up that last story. I'm glad to hear it was memorable even after a few months.
This is a great community.