Ah, I see, that's a bummer. Don't know much about webgl but will definitely be learning a bit by reading your source code. I saw the right pane but couldn't click nodes there, still very nice to see this detail.
I feel your service has the potential to be better than 1ML honestly.
Donation link works now :) sent you some sats, in fact, 8!
I appreciate you taking a look at the source code. Also really appreciate the sats!
There are a few issues with clicking nodes, but you can also search for nodes and it will effectively be the same thing as clicking. What platform did you test on, mobile? Clicking on nodes is not exactly refined yet for that platform. I think I need to detect touch events vs click events for that case. Oh also the side panel doesn't show up on mobile yet.
On desktop though it should work as expect (more or less).