Yes, I agree with the "hoarding" aspect. But that is for the new comers, those that ignored Bitcoin for 10 years.
I myself hoarding BTC from 2012 until 2017. Yes, I confess, I barely spend any sats in this period, not because I didn't wanted, but because almost nobody around me want my sats.
So I was in a moment when I said: wait a minute... if nobody wants my sats, why am I hoarding them? So I start convincing many people around me to use Bitcoin as money. I never stopped.
That's why starting from 2018 I start living a pure Bitcoin standard, using only Bitcoin as money. I closed all my bank accounts and never went back to fiat. Only BTC here.
I know is hard to achieve this status today, but is NOT impossible, if you really want it.
hint: read my bitcoin guides if you want to know how to achieve this