As much as I can relate to this, I don't quite understand the benefit of not voting vs voting for someone you actually think should be in office, even if it's third party or a write in. I'm not saying there is NOT a benefit, I just don't see it, and am open to the perspective here.
To me, it seems like voting third party sends a better signal than not voting at all... And even if you think the whole thing is fake, deciding not to participate doesn't have any practical effect (at least from what I can see - again, open to opposing views), whereas continuing to participate in democracy on any level at least has SOME potential to encourage change, even if it's minuscule.
EDIT: I'm also generally very skeptical against this kind of message - there have been instances of social media pages and forums that gain credibility among a specific demographic, and then begin encouraging users and followers to abstain from voting. It's a common malicious tactic used by other countries, and likely by people/groups here as well, and we should all be very wary of it.
The thread that I see I am sharing with others. This is the same as if I've made a recipe. With regards to systems I've concluded that my energy is better spent not funding systems that are unskillful. From 1988 to 2021 I have voted.
Now that I see how Fiat currency works I can not see respecting any of the three branches of the United States government, State / Commonwealths and local elections. All of these are based on the religion of Fiat currency. Not only do they tax me without permission but they also practice fractional reserve banking by giving cheap money to their friends while I have to earn it.
Judicial branch, legislative and executive all get paid from the same system. States have to confiscate wealth in order to pay for their programs. Meanwhile the deep state works for very few people.
When we no longer support the mega programs then the markets will open for value for value and not scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
I'm curious about your response to the simple rebuttal:
One of the candidates is getting voted in with or without your vote. You're just choosing who you would prefer to take the seat. Why not continue to pick the person you feel is best suited for it? Even if they're not on the ballot.
You don't end a regime by refusing to vote. But you can literally move the needle in the direction you feel is best by voting for the person you think is most likely to push us in a better direction.
It's all fiat currency mind control. Again, if you find this activity fulfilling then you should pursue it. I find it as a waste of time. I'm interested in working for a monetary system that decentralizes power. Central Planners create problems to justify their existence.
That just doesn’t really answer the question - voting and being pro bitcoin are not mutually exclusive.