Foreign aid is one of those scams that just gets scammier the more you look into it. Now that the curtain has been pulled back, they're trying to argue that the scam they were trying to cover up the whole time is actually good for everyone.
Don’t Worry, It’s Not Foreign Aid…It’s Corporate Welfare! By Ron Paul "Biden explained that as we transfer more weapons to Ukraine, American companies will build new weapons at home to replace them. So 'Project Ukraine' is not really about foreign welfare, but rather domestic corporate welfare for the military-industrial complex. Should that make us feel any better?"
And, don't forget the little piece saved for the powers that be in whatever country is receiving our largesse
See the "broken window fallacy". Make-work does not improve our financial well being.
Keynesians love war as a means of stimulating the economy. Especially when you can get other countries citizens to do the dying part.
Nothing says productivity like investing a ton of resources into things you're planning on destroying.
and then doing it all again.