I'm going to throw a few more random ideas out there, for you to consider or not, as you wish. But I think they're helpful, and since popular culture is pushing the opposite nowadays, I'll mention them.
Don't get a dog. It's way more work and hassle than you think. I just interacted at length with a family with a young kid, and also a baby. Mom was trying to nurse the baby, the (2 year old) large dog felt jealous or bored, and interrupted repeatedly. Imagine this, every time you want to feed your baby. What a nightmare. Constant interruptions, constant inability to go places or do things because of the dog. I think 90% of the family's issues were because of the dog.
Be very aware (and wary) of constant digital distractions for kids. Anything like Ipads, phones, etc. I see so many kids being zombified by electronics. If you attempt to take them away, the kids throw scary fits. Yes, they're addicted. Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people are making a living of off getting your child addicted to spending endless hours on the screen. Tell them NO. Find ways. Yes, the social norms now are insanely leaning towards allowing even the youngest kids to spend endless time on screens. But kids who are raised with screens (or BY screens, maybe) are very different, in a negative sense, from kids who have strictly limited screen time. Of course, this means you need to model that kind of behavior yourself.
I agree totally about the screen time. It’s not good for children to be stimulated all the time and suffer from fractional attention. Today I brought a book to read instead of playing with my phone while he is playing at the indoor playground. Though I’m stealing a moment to type this reply to you haha
The book idea is great, I also bring a book with whenever I'm likely to have down time.
Bonus - it's amazing how much respect you get for doing ANYTHING other than scrolling on a phone.
Instead of a paper book, I bring a kindle. I use the old-style kindle, with buttons, no touchscreen, no wifi. So, it's basically a book, with zero ability to browse the web.
I put books on it via a cable, using Calibre. The model is Amazon Kindle D01100 4th Generation. You can get them on Ebay for $15 to $25. Loads of books are available through libraries.