We're doing a Secret Santa thing at work. I wasn't interested at first. But then it occurred to me that this might be a good opportunity to gift bitcoin!
Problem is that its only $20 which would make a pretty small onchain UTXO. So I think its probably going to have to be custodial lightning due to size & simplicity. I'd like them to preferably learn a couple things about bitcoin too.
How would you go about gifting $20 of bitcoin in a secret Santa scenario?
(BTW, secret Santa is where you put colleagues names into a hat, then randomly choose a name & need to buy a gift for them).
You could give them a lightsats gift and it includes basic onboarding and let's them withdraw it to any lightning wallet. You can either share a link with them or if the gift is physical then it might be easier to use the feature that lets you turn it into 3 words that they enter at the website (and then write those words on a card).
agreed. Instead of onchain tx better over LN and lighsats is a great idea doing so.
I'd like to try this first. Looks like its set up for exactly this situation
Still 45 days to go - so set a reminder to time it right.
If you've got a 3D printer, maybe look at ways to creating a 'presentation box'.
Sure beats socks.
these seam a good option