For our 2nd movie event category, we chose the following for you to pick from. You can also add a category we can use in our next category pick.
Legal Movies25.0%
Movies about Dogs0.0%
Medical Movies0.0%
Movies on fashion0.0%
Tragic movies37.5%
Kung Fu movies37.5%
8 votes \ poll ended
Ilegal movies
Always feel like questions like these "what kind of music do you like" etc are like asking "What is your favourite color". Not in the sense that it's childish, just that it's a funny thing to do to yourself, arbitrary pigeonholing your tastes.
Looking at my collection I think i like animated movies more than most others. Moana! Road to el dorado! Spiderverse! Akira! Iron Giant!
so thats my favourite color maybe. But oldboy, fuck that is a good movie. The holy mountain, a 2 hour art show. Game night! So fun. i love good movies!