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I don't disagree. But it doesn't mean all countries will opt for this approach.
Not all economies will seek to inflate their way out of this black hole. Prior history tells you that most Western countries usually wish to attract capital, via stronger currencies. They often use War to wipe their debt obligations in the end. And they do so because they have more staying power to be able to handle debts than the average household.
The G7 countries are incentivised to push their citizens into debt up to their eyeballs. To have them believe religiously that asset prices never fall. That way, bankers that bankroll the governments will have legal claim over every asset in the event of insolvency.
Reason I am more vocal than most on this and sharing this viewpoint is - people need to consider this as a possibility. Especially if they are levering-up their Bitcoin position, or perhaps have or may consider remortgaging their house to increase their stack. Such moves will not end well.
Pay off your debts or reduce them somewhat would be my advice. Whilst it's possible. And consider the Sovereign Individual playbook. They as humble (albeit well connected) authors have a pretty good track record so far...
Not all economies will seek to inflate their way out of this black hole. Prior history tells you that most Western countries usually wish to attract capital, via stronger currencies.
Good catch, that was: prior history ;)
"All other major central banks like the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), Bank of Japan (BOJ), and European Central Banks (ECB) will also print money because now that US monetary conditions are loosening they can print money without weakening their currencies." https://cryptohayes.substack.com/p/bad-gurl