Not saying this in a dick way (at least, that's not my intent) but I think SN is for whatever SN winds up being for. I guess @k00b has made statements before about re-creating the Bitdevs vibe; but the manner in which that happens seems like it contains a giant possibility space.
And (this is just my opinion, I have no formal affiliation w/ SN other than believing in it) I think there's a larger game afoot here than re-creating Bitdevs, or even btc as a topic, which is to use btc as a tool to bring real monetary incentives to see what can be done in online community. How to do that is obviously unclear, but these kinds of experiments can reveal what's possible.
Again, imo. I speak for no one but my own desires.
Nah that's right. We discussed this somewhat in What are the principles underlying SN's development and growth? It'll be the best community-information-thing that we can build with financial incentives.