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  1. We've increased base posting costs to 10 sats. Recent has gotten pretty noisy so we're hoping this leads to more mindful story sharing. As with most things, it's just an experiment so let's see how it goes.
  2. Scan QR codes when withdrawing (via @ekzyis)
  3. Search should produce much better results now. The related section under posts should likewise produce much better results. It's still slower than I'd like but one thing at a time.
  4. OPs can now repeatedly self-reply with no escalating cost as requested by @elvismercury
  5. Anywhere that you can filter by a time period now lets you set a custom date range (partial assist by @rleed)
  6. After 7 days, you can delete any withdrawal invoices permanently. In your settings, you can tell us to do this for you automatically. (via @rleed)
  7. PWA notification badges (via @WeAreAllSatoshi)
  8. There are a bunch of small bug fixes that are boring to list but worthy of an aggregate mention nonetheless.
We still have a few things in the PR queue that I'll release in the next few days. @elvismercury I haven't forgotten that I owe you a graphql sandbox.
After I clear those, I'll be exclusively focusing on user generated subs until those get released.
Let us know if you find any bugs!
924 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 12 Nov 2023
excited to see what impact the 10 sat base posting fee has on daily rewards.
my guess is that we’ll see roughly the same amount of post/comment activity on SN, but much more than the current ~25k sats/day in fees directed to the rewards pool.
will be interesting to see if top posters/zappers notice a boost to their own earnings this week.
The data story around this change will be very interesting for sure.
It's been fascinating to watch how "sticky" zapping seems to be. What will this exogenous price shock do to that?
Why 'recent' was removed from the search options? I use it all the time...
Have you tried using the time filters? I had a hunch that would solve the same problem. Like if you search for 'breez' regularly, you could scope it to a day/week/month or some custom range since the last you checked.
I did, but 'recent' is so much easier than time filters for periodically searching for a term. I for example, search for 'breez' say a few times a week. So 'day' doesn't cut it and I still need to sort a week. 'Recent' was just so easy to use...
Okay I’ll add it back!
You're the best!
But that wouldn't sort it by recent, I think.
So might be a way to find similar stuff one would want to find, but doesn't solve the problem of just finding the latest time something was mentioned since the sort order is still affecting the order of results.
I understand that. Who practically needs the last time something was mentioned though? What’s the use case we’d be supporting? That’s what I had trouble answering.
I can add it back. I just felt all use cases were covered by the time filters.
@k00b What if base posting cost had a "difficulty" adjustment like Bitcoin but related to the amount of posts per week?
Just throwing it out there
I think that’d be cool
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I like that. I proposed something similar based on one hour rather than one week, so it was more of a peak pricing idea. There are lots of possibilities.
Weird, PWA notification badges don’t seem to be showing up for me. Even with a reinstall of the app. iOS safari
Love the 10 sat minimum ❤️
Excited to see the impact of the changes on the platform! I’ve posted quite a few articles and should probably scale back a bit, my apologies. Just very excited about Bitcoin and learning from our awesome SN community. We have a great group here trying to move our industry forward! Bitcoin for the win!
Suggestion, link sharing should have a 10x post cost.
I like this very much as an experiment to run.
What I'd like to do is say: link sharing with no context. But then you'd just get garbage context.
It does make you wonder at the motivation people have for sharing anything. Spamming low-quality links that garner a few tens of sats is scratching what itch exactly?
I mostly dislike links being shared as posts. Tons of duplicates and mostly is a sat harvesting scheme for those happy zap triggers. Lets get the link posters to subsidize real genuine content.
Posting something and giving out the source in your post by adding the link its OK.
raise the post fee to like $1 usd and we'd cut out so much stupid nonsense and repeat news posts. please.
At some point, you're probably going to cut of any news, if "stupid nonsense" or not
Yeah, I feel @AJ1992's energy for sure, but it seems like one of those "Everyone agrees that only 10% of stuff on the internet is worth a shit, but no one can agree in which 10%" things.
Idk if recent will change with 10 sats. Both 1 and 10 sats are basically nothing.
I've seen users post 5 sentences posts with 1-2 hour frequency that kind I feel like are low quality but drown out other good posts from recent. Let's see if they'll get less a little bit now.
There’s always a trade off between ux and game theory on these things and it’s hard to reason through the ux stuff a priori. It should help with some low quality stuff but it might help very little
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hmmm weird. Mention autocompletes are being super weird
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Likely some rerender state thingy 😩
Okay this should be fixed now
@elvismercury I haven't forgotten that I owe you a graphql sandbox.
bolt11 removal
You didn't say anything about this part though.
It doesn't have inspection enabled yet but I'll enable it in my next release.
bolt11 removal
Oh whoops. Basically after 7 days, you can delete who/where/what received your withdrawals.
Would you mind one more tech support? I tried the example you gave me before:
query items(name: 'elvismercury', sort: 'user', limit: 100) { items { id createdAt title text } }
but it doesn't like it, bunch of syntax errors. How would I form that query in the sandbox?
This should work:
query { items(name: "elvismercury", sort: "user", limit: 100) { items { id createdAt title text } cursor } }
The query items(...) part is only for variables, so you need to prefix the names with $ and set the variables in the input below:
The red squiggly lines are only because introspection is off, I believe.
Muy amable :)
This is my first GraphQL ever! I feel so powerful!
I'm still not 100% comfortable with GraphQL. There's definitely a learning curve!
Introspection of prod is live. Should be easier now.
Hmmm…with respect to #1, the noise is kinda fun. Or it can be.
great job @k00b. Im still getting an error with the nostr link in settings, but no more redirect. I have a feeling its an issue with my alby extension.
I responded on github. It could be that that nostr keypair has already been associated with another account that you created accidentally or without remembering.
just saw the github notif. I think you are on to something, I accidentally created a second SN account a while back. I shall investigate. Cheers!
And it works now! I accidentally had it linked to the second acc.
5 SATs would be fair enougy @k00b
Thanks for the search updates. Could you say a little bit more about them? I searched for "hoarding" and didn't find the the post I wrote (#275618). I don't know if it was findable before, though.
Another tool for people who want more search functionality - Google site search, with quotes around those words that need to appear together. For instance: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Astacker.news+%22gold+hoarding%22
It's the first result for me: https://stacker.news/search?q=gold+hoarding
You might have been searching the wrong sub. (that's still pretty wonky UI/UX wise)
Okay, that’s understood.
Quick note @ekzyis I still seem to be getting duplicate push notifications on edited items where I’m mentioned.
Huh, weird, thanks for letting me know, will check
Maybe this is related to this? Since both could be caused by a stale service worker.
But it should immediately update and register the new service worker 🤔
Yea it does feel like the service worker is stale for me. Hmm…
Is it only on iOS? Or also desktop?
My service worker is #1520:
Not sure how to check on mobile but maybe with USB debugging or something.
I'm not sure those numbers are global ids. Mine is #8745
I’ve only tried iOS. I can take a look via USB debug later, I’m traveling today.
What does this number mean?
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