built to spill. their 1999 album keep it like a secret is one of my favorites. come to find out they released a new album last year, and it was great (when the wind forgets your name).
Built to Spill is amazing. Keep it a Secret is my favorite album, but I've enjoyed There's Nothing Wrong With Love more and more. The song Car is probably my overall favorite song by the band.
nothing wrong with love is a great one too. i think either broken chairs or carry the zero would be my all time favorite song of theirs. have you heard when the wind forgets your name? it is definitely worth checking out if you dig their stuff
Ever listen to Doug Martsch solo album or his work with The Halo Benders? Virginia Reel Around The Fountain. Your Asterisk from The Rebels Not In is a good listen.
i have not, but it is immediately going to the top of the list. appreciate the recommendation
Luckily for me it's a day with few meetings so it is in my queue. The other one my wife and I love from KILAS is Time Trap. We were out in BC a few years back camping and saw an inch worm move exactly to beat in the middle of the song, got a video of it and everything. Had to be there but something I'll never forget haha!
I'll give that album a go tomorrow mornings gym session. I like to be able to bang an album on as they tend to be the right amount of time to complete a decent workout. And it's almost the only time I get to be listening to music solidly without interruption. So an album recommendation, that's being saved for later.