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Yes. My kids are home schooled and both are much smarter than the average publicly educated child. My little one is already reading, and doing addition and subtraction and my oldest is 3 grades ahead in math, 2 grades ahead in science and 1 grade ahead in everything else.
There are amazing online tools and platforms for homeschooled kids. We do also have them doing non online stuff as well but it's mostly online based.
A lot of people still assume homeschooling is just full of extreme religious indoctrination and ignorance but it’s very robust and versatile these days. Had I known the tools we have available and the quality of the online classes, I’d have started doing it sooner and saved a lot of money on private schools that weren’t as good.
The most useful and important aspect is that kids build their executive functioning as they make goals, choose classes and get involved in their own education plan. It’s not just something to ship your kid off while you go to the factory to work all day; it can be a real education.
Also, while friends of ours had to watch their kid’s school get cleared by a swat team because of a call about a gun, my kid was in online class, learning about horse pathology with another kid from Australia.
Anyone would learn faster with a private tutor. The problem is the added overhead of doing so. Also, school often works as government provided childcare
you can also make your own shoes.. But you better know what your doing or you will end up with crooked feet. if you are a professional in teaching, take it in your own hands.. If not, either you learn it before or end up doing a bad job.