Hi, I think everyone should download shakepay and here's why-- (canadian plebs only)
Benefits -
(you must be referred or refer someone to unlock shakingsats) pssss my code is https://shakepay.me/r/J32KT7Z
  1. Shake phone once per day to earn satoshi's
  2. Streak based system where day one equals $ and day 365 equals $$$
  3. Takes less than 15 seconds to open app and shake phone - but if you miss a day you lose streak and start at day 1 again.
  4. As of May, 2023 you need to be 'active' status to earn full amount of reward.
  5. To become active you can use the visa card once weekly (more on the card later) or buy / sell minimum $1 bitcoin per week. (52$ for the whole year)
  6. I've personally earned over 600,000 satoshi's which in today's prices is about 325$ CAD https://legal.shakepay.com/rewards
Visa Card:
  1. Load money onto shakepay via e-transfer or direct deposit (coming soon).
  2. 2% cash back on first 5k spend, 1% afterwards.
  3. Possibility of getting 'shakepaid' on your purchase - 'shakepaid' is when Shakepay gives you the full purchase amount back in BTC.
  4. Earn 42 Satoshi every transaction you make by joining a 'squad' (more on that next)
  1. Create or join a squad of up to 4 other shakepayers like you - each time they use the visa card you earn 42 Satoshi, each time you use it they earn 42 Satoshi!
  2. Unfortunately you cannot kick members of your squad - so if someone isn't using the card you have no choice but to leave and find a new squad.
  1. Shakepay hosts a variety of contests on their social media platforms, these contests range from creating memes, using new features, number guessing games and more.
  2. These contests drive community engagement and make it possible to earn some more cash for hardly any effort.
  3. I've personally won $290.21 from contests since signing up.
Free merch/swag:
  1. Now who doesn't like free merch? You can earn merch by referring people, earning a 365 day shake streak, earning a 1000 day streak (called the comma club) participating in waitlists events or sometimes they do holiday themed packages (limited qty)
  2. I have a shakepay hat, toque, shirt, sweater, yeti coffee cup, socks, and loads of stickers
Cons... KYC
So I'm curious to see how Shakepay is viewed among everybody else. Do you already have the app and love it? Or do you hate Shakepay and their business model. Let me know below! This is obviously a biased post as I love shakepay and plan to keep shaking for a long time. Use my code or honestly anyone's code to start shaking today! https://shakepay.me/r/J32KT7Z
for non kyc cash in person options, use bull bitcoin
Overall Shakepay is really good. I do have some issues with them besides the KYC issue. Their continued support for eth completely baffles me. All their advertising is done through bitcoin channels, they even offer to pay employees in bitcoin. All their features are bitcoin centric. Probably 80% of their users are bitcoin only and no "crypto" person is seeking out shakepay because they only list bitcoin and eth. So either be bitcoin only or be a shitcoin casino. Also when you send a referral link it says $5 to buy crypto. This infuriates me. I am promoting their product and telling people to sign up but also telling them to be bitcoin only and the damn referral link I send says "to buy crypto".
Also the vig they charge over spot bitcoin when you buy is pretty high compared to other products but you get free withdraws and the great stacking features so I don't mind so much.
I do like the new insights tab that shows me how much I got in rewards so far. 395k sats so far.
I agree with you, lots of shakers want eth removed. I think it comes down to how much money they make off people buying it. Yeah the insights were a fantastic change along with the shaker profile.
I was burned on downvotes when I requested a way to hide the ethereum wallet on their sub Reddit, So I guess there are some ethereum freaks using it.
That's too bad. I would have upvoted you but I don't reddit.
it was weird, I just put the idea on reddit and the ethereum people went crazy about it, and I was no talking about getting rid of the ethereum wallet, I was just asking for the option to allow the people to hide ethereum (or bitcoin) wallet depending of the personal use. The ethereum mob pointed me as maxi intolerant... lol...
I am going to keep pestering them until they capitulate.
There is actually 3 cons:
1-KYC 2-Support for Eth. It's a big turn off. 3-Still no lightning support
I think they also use Coinbase as a backend...
Shakepay was my very first transaction of CAD$ to BTC in late 2019. It was very quick and easy. I'm sure even better now. Reading your post I'm now tempted to go back and see what's what.
The only reason I left was looking for a tighter spread and more of an order book visibility. I don't 'trade' very much, but even so I still like having more of a full featured trading platform. Kraken has really improved a lot for Canadians in the last year.
But yeah, shakepay....hmmmm. Credit card option sounds interesting.
kyc is a nonstarter
great service. fun fact, i helped them design shaking sats back in the day