Good evening, Stackers.
While working on a nutrition research project tonight, I came across a quote that I felt the need to share:
"Whoever controls the protein controls the people.
In the Roman Empire times, whenever there was civil unrest, [the royal class] would hold 'celebrations of bread'. The people would be loaded up with carbs, it made them fat and happy, and the civil unrest would settle down.
Politics, food, and control of the people have been interlinked for as long as we've had politics. And currently, we're seeing a huge push away from animal-based food sources, and toward plants.
When you move down that pathway, no matter what the rhetoric, a plant-based diet is going to be incomplete of the nutrients required for life. And in the process of that, you're controlling the people, because you're controlling their protein. You can call it conspiratorial if you want...but it's happened forever."
—Dr. Gary Fettke
This inspired my question of the evening for you all:
In which area is sovereignty most important - food, money, or communication...and why?
I would say money because it influence all other things. The good news is we can have all three.
There's a reason the First Amendment is first.
Communication > Food > Money
while money influences all things, i think it can be also be viewed as a downstream representation of the other aspects of society; both communication and food abundance/scarcity can radically alter behavior and decision-making.
Interesting thread with a variety of answers.
All of the above
Food is life and humans can't do without it so I will say Food to this question
I love how bread is compared to a plant based diet. I think the choice is a manufactured diet or one that involves hunting, gathering and cultivation.
With hunting, gathering and cultivation there is property involved. Permission to hunt in an area controlled by a tribe leads to tribute or war for hunting rights.
Manufacturing food for Fiat currency leads to sick people.
Personal DATA!
It is difficult to say definitively, as all three areas are essential for human well-being. However, food sovereignty may be the most important, as food is essential for survival. Money and communication are also important, but they are not essential for survival in the same way that food is.
In the modern world, food sovereignty is still an important issue. Many countries rely on imports for a significant portion of their food supply. This can make them vulnerable to external shocks, such as crop failures or trade wars.
In addition, the global food system is increasingly dominated by a small number of multinational corporations. These corporations have a great deal of control over the food supply, and they can use this power to influence government policy and to shape consumer preferences.
i would say money
food and shelter first
deleted by author
Excellent point. Without communication you couldn't wake people up on the other two 💯